How to create a Private Auction

Published: July 31, 2023

Private Auctions allow customers to hold a secure, controlled, and anonymous auction experience. To set up a private auction, follow these steps.

  1. Login to and navigate to your domain Domain Portfolio list.
  2. Select your domain, and on the options menu, click Place The Domain On A Private Auction, under the Auctions tab.
  3. You’ll be prompted with an Epik Private Auction window asking you to fill in all the required fields. You can choose to remain anonymous, as well as a duration type between 1 hour and 7 days. You can also customize the domain casing, and set a description. When ready click Submit Auction.
  4. Once the domain is submitted, you should see the confirmation window that the domain has been submitted to auction successfully. A unique and private auction link is created to provide buyers, as well as general information about the auction. Click View Private Auction to see the landing page of your auction.

Domains that are listed on this Private Auction are not visible anywhere within Epik’s website nor offered for sale, and instead, only parties who were given access to the said auction will be able to have the opportunity to bid on these domains.

Please note bidders need to create an Epik Account to bid on private auctions.