WHOIS Domain Lookup
Learn about the ownership & history of any domain.
What is the WHOIS database?
The WHOlS database is a searchable list of every single domain currently registered in the world. When someone searches for a web address on WHOIS, they’ll find the owner’s contact info, the dates of domain creation and expiration, and the names of the domain’s registrar and hosting services.
The information found in WHOlS can help people contact owners of a website, or keep tabs on a coveted domain that’s set to expire. Accredited registrars, like Epik.com, are required by the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to publish WHOIS data for every newly-registered domain.
How Epik safeguards your privacy
While “domainers” (people who play the domain aftermarket) often keep their contact details visible to facilitate faster sales, most website owners prefer to keep their personal data out of the public eye. That’s where Epik comes in. As your domain mediator—we’ll provide the public with our info instead of yours and forward along all valid messages. Here’s how we make that happen:
Our WHOIS Privacy is free & automatic
That’s how much we value your right to privacy online. When you register a domain with Epik, you’re opted into WHOIS Domain Privacy by default. This means your name, phone number, email, and physical address won’t be added to the public WHOIS records. If you prefer to make this information public, it’s easy to turn off WHOIS privacy from within your client dashboard.

We stand guard against fraudsters
Scammers often misuse public records like WHOIS, exploiting any identifying information they can find. We keep your personal phone number, email, and home address out of the wrong hands. With Epik’s WHOIS protection, you’ll be avoiding the spam, scams, and phishing attempts that overwhelm many domain owners’ inboxes.
We bring in the best
We partner with Anonymize.com to bring you secure WHOIS Privacy, guaranteed. Instead of allowing your private information to be displayed online for all to see, Anonymize securely hides your contact data, while following all ICANN privacy protocols. You retain full ownership of your domain, without advertising your personal information to the world.

We’ve got business owners covered too!
Starting a business? You can trust Epik to protect your privacy every step of the way. Along with free WHOIS Privacy, a dedicated phone number, and a professional email address, we can now provide you with top-tier registered agent services—and help you keep your name and address off your state’s public records—thanks to our partnership with Registered Agents, Inc..
The domain I want is registered-now what?
Find out who owns the domain
Use our WHOIS Lookup tool at the top of this page to find out who owns the domain you’re after. Just type in the domain name, and we’ll provide you with either the registrant (owner) details, or the name and contact information of their registrar, who can pass your message along.
Visit the site to see if it’s for sale
If you haven’t already, make sure to check out the URL itself. If the owner wants to sell the domain name, they might have a landing page with information about how to contact them and the price they’re asking. If not, you’ll probably find a “Contact” or “About” page with a contact form, email address, or another way to reach the owner directly.
Contact the domain owner
Once you have a sure-fire way to contact the owner (or their registrar), craft a message that includes an offer for the domain. In cases like this, prices for domain names can range from a few dollars to thousands, so consider beforehand what your budget is. Then, the ball is in their court—they’ll either accept, counter or reject your offer.
Keep an eye on the expiration date
If the owner doesn’t reply, or if they counter with something outside of your budget, you can always wait them out. The information returned from your WHOIS search will let you know when the domain is set to expire (if the registrant doesn’t renew it). That will put the name back into circulation, which means you’ll be able to register it yourself. Be ready to act quickly.
Adjust your domain name
If you’re willing to try out a different domain name, there are ways to make small changes that can still highlight your vision. Try a different top-level domain (or TLD), like .com and .io, because many TLDs are far less populated than the big ones (.com, .net, .org). You can also make small changes to your domain by adding or removing words, until you land on something that’s available.
Don’t lose hope if your first-choice domain name is already registered to someone. If you’re in it for the long haul, some patience and saved funds could make your dream happen. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to find a domain that will work for you right now to help you get online. Because the best way to get ahead is to get started.
Search the WHOIS database
WHOIS is an invaluable tool that helps people buy and sell domains outside of the yearly renewal schedule while also holding domain owners accountable to the public and the law. That means if someone infringed on your trademark or copyright, you have the ability to contact them or file suit.
The WHOIS database is managed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). They launched the database in the late 1990s in order to create a more formal record of domain registrants.
Many registrants (domain owners) use privacy protection through their domain registrar, to protect their personal data. For example, at Epik, we list our own contact information in the WHOIS records to give you one more layer of privacy protection. If you need to contact someone, or someone needs to contact you, the registrar will be able to pass along any messages.
The main reasons people use WHOIS are to contact owners of domains they’d like to buy, to communicate messages or ask questions, or even to file suits or legal action against content on a site.
If your domain registrar doesn’t offer WHOIS privacy, then yes. WHOIS reports the following information: your name, your address, your phone number, and your email address. Once your information is listed with WHOIS, it’s freely available to anyone looking up your domain name. This can increase your risk of becoming a victim to spam or data mining.
The information provided by WHOIS is invaluable, but its accuracy isn’t necessarily guaranteed at all times. This can depend on the information a domain name owner provides, and how often they update that information. Additionally, it’s common to find the information of the registrar the domain name owner registered with instead of the owner’s information as an added layer of privacy.
You can update your WHOIS information within your Epik account settings. Select the domain you’d like to update, and find the option to update your WHOIS information. Once you confirm and save your information, it can take a little time for the WHOIS database to fully update.
Disclaimer: All registrar data, including registrant WHOIS data, is provided for public, non-commercial use only. Any information made available by Epik and its affiliate registrars shall not be collected, distributed or used for any commercial activity. Third parties to agree not to use the data to allow, enable, or otherwise support any marketing activities, regardless of the medium used. Such media include but are not limited to e-mail, telephone, facsimile, postal mail, SMS, and wireless alerts.
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